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Build high quality networks

A gamified networking platform to grow and leverage an authentic network of people you met to discover and maintain new connections

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product when it launches

Networking example

Common difficulties young professionals experience with modern networking

  1. Awkward or intimidating reaching out to new/old connections
  2. Looking for people of interest in your extended network can take up a lot of time
  3. Manually keeping track and maintaining lasting professional relationships can be inefficient and takes up a lot of time

Easy Networking

Build new connections with the help of connections you already know to introduce you to a connection they know. Easily import existing contacts to track interactions manually (or invite them to make it a lot easier!)

Quality Relationships

Create a close-knit network limited to only people you have met. Network sizes are limited, so you need to be selective about who you want in your circle, and continuous interactions are needed to keep connected

Discover People to Meet

Upload your public resume and post hidden experiences to make you discoverable to people who want to meet you, and easily find people of interest within your extended network with our AI search querying.

Fun and Engaging

A gamified networking application, crazy! The more time that passes that you have not interacted with someone in your network, the weaker their relationship score to you becomes. Eventually they will disappear from your network. Keep in touch!

Visually Stunning

Truly understand the strength and value of your connections in a visual way that makes sense. We are doing everything with network graphs rather than viewing results through lists. More infromation below!

Want to start?

Register your email here and support GoalTac to be the best it can be with your feedback. Also, connect with us on LinkedIn!

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product when it launches